Lee Cleveland Property Management provides many services to assure your comfort and safety in your leased premises. The typical services we provide are listed below, however; please note some leases are negotiated to provide services, which are not shown here. If you have questions, please ask your Property Manager.
- Janitorial
- Heating and Air-Conditioning Maintenance and Repair
- Plumbing Maintenance and Repair
- General Repairs (i.e. door closers, lock repairs, light bulbs)
- Pest Control
- Fire Protection Systems Maintenance and Repair
- Elevator Maintenance and Repair
- Roof Maintenance and Repair
- Window Cleaning
- Mowing
- Landscaping
- Litter Clean Up
- Security
- Roving Security (After-Hours)
- Snow Removal
Other Services available on a fee basis are:
- Additional Keys, Lock Changing
- Supplemental Cleaning or Carpet Shampooing
- After Hours Heating/Cooling